David Sullivan, IT Lead
Cynthia Gaudet, PhD, RN, CNE
College of Nursing
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Faculty strive to update and apply state-of-the-art technology in their teaching techniques. Introducing advanced computer based technology (ExamSoft) to create and administer student assessments invigorates teaching and learning. Exam feedback is immediately available for the students and the faculty, including detailed performance metrics. The performance metrics include average score, high score, low score, point Biseral, discrimination index, KR 20, and response frequencies. Additional reports can be obtained by selecting the desired feedback. Computer based testing saves time, affords exam security, and is environmentally green. The questions and the responses are randomized and the person taking the assessment is restricted to the exam. An exam bank is created with each exam, and the performance metrics assist the faculty with future assessment development. Paper, ink, and physical storage space are not required.
The College of Nursing has over 400 students and 12 faculty members using ExamSoft. The students have taken a combination of over 75 exams and quizzes. Random sampling of students and faculty has demonstrated that students find the instant feedback, including access to their preliminary score and their ability to immediately review incorrect responses, to be both timely and constructive. The nursing faculty states that advanced computer based testing has energized their assessments.